Sunday, 12 February 2012

Lazy loading WCF services.

Last day I had a discussion with Peter who works on an application that uses NHibernate as ORM and WCF as means of communication between client and server. The problem he was confronted with, in short, was a parent-child relation in his domain where the NHibernate mapping for the parent had a one-to-many relation to it's children but the child mapping didn't reference the parent. Now he needed to fetch all the children from a certain parent id, in a different WCF call for that matter, without first fecthing the parent. If you want the more elaborate version see here and for the solution he used see here and here.

Although he solved it quite nicely a different discussion sprouted from it. How would you develop a WCF service that returns a datacontract on which some members are lazy loaded over WCF and would you actually do this?
I remembered working on a project where they had some kind of mechanism that resembled it but the experience was rather unpleasant as they used their entities as DTO's which was ugly and caused all kinds of problems. Ah ... I think I just found the topic of my next post.

To answer the first question, how would you do it, well here's how I would do it.
The gist of it is to have your datacontract use a servicelocator or perhaps better an IoC containter to resolve the interface of the service contract that fetches the children. On the server the implementation of this interface could for example fetch the children from the database. On the client it would call the service responsable for fetching the children.

So let's have a look at the datacontract from the parent.

    public class Parent
         private IList<child> _children;

        public IChildServices ChildService

            get { return ServiceLocator.SillyServiceLocator.GetInstance<ichildservices>(); }

        public int Id { get; set; }

        public String Name { get; set; }

        public IList<child> Children
                if (_children == null)
                    _children = ChildService.GetChildren(Id);
                return _children;
Note the "Children"-getter where we check if the children still have to be loaded and if so the service locator is queried for the implementation of the IChildServices and the GetChildren method is executed on it.

The implentation of the IChildServices on the client would look as folows.

public class ChildServicesProxy : ClientBase<ichildservices>, IChildServices
        public ChildServicesProxy() : base("ChildService")
        public IList<child> GetChildren(int parentId)
            return Channel.GetChildren(parentId);

Here we see the GetChildren method calls the GetChildren wcf call.

The IChildServices is also implemented on the server

public class ChildServices : IChildServices
        #region IChildServices Members

        public IList<child> GetChildren(int parentId)
//hardcoded but could fetch the children from the database
            if(parentId == 1)
                return new List<child>
                           new Child
                                   Name = "Parent 1 - Child 1"
                           new Child
                                   Name = "Parent 1 - Child 2"
            if(parentId == 3)
                return new List<child>
                           new Child
                                   Name = "Parent 3 - Child 1"
            return new List<child>();

Here the actual fetching of the data happens. In this case the data is hardcoded but a call to some persistent store could be called here.

The only thing we have to do now is register the implentation of each IChildServices on to the serviceloactor of the client and the server at startup of the applications.

Perhaps more interesting, at least for me, are the pros and cons of using such an approach.
I definitely wouldn't use it by default and it should be very obvious for the consumer he's using a lazy loaded contract as it obviously does imply a major performance hit that one would not immediately link to dereferencing a property.
On the other hand if, at the client side, you map your datacontract on a client-domain I guess it makes more sense to fetch all the data you need at once before mapping it.

Anyway my conclusion is that I would only use this in very specific cases while making more than obvious that the datacontract is a lazy loaded one.

You can find a working version of it here. Please note that it has been stripped down for simplicity reasons.

What are the pros and cons according to you? Would you use this approach and if so in which cases?

1 comment:

  1. You should consider the option of returning dto's/messages carefully crafted to your presentation model. So that in one fetch, you get all you need to display in one screen. But that's not always possible. Once again "it depends" :)
